swenys pharmacy dublin

Sweny’s Pharmacy

"When I die, Dublin will be written on my heart." Those were the words spoken by James Joyce,

Take a walk around Dublin 2, and you'll come across many a spot featured in his infamous book, Ulysses. You can walk over the O'Connell Bridge (though maybe don't throw cake at the seagulls, as Leopold Bloom does). You can wander through the grounds of Trinity College, or the gorgeous Stephen's Green. You can even have a Gorgonzola sandwich and a glass of Burgundy in Davy Byrnes pub.

But one of the best spots in town is Sweny's Pharmacy. It's not only the place where Bloom buys some orangeflower and whitewax skin lotion and a bar of lemon soap (which you can do as well) but where you'll find a treasure trove of Joycean moments. There are special events, discussion groups and plenty of live readings (which is a far more accessible way to immerse yourself in his writing - definitely easier than sitting down to tackle Ulysses).

  • Cost: Free
  • Opening Hours: Mon to Sat: 11am - 5pm
  • Location: 900m/11 minute walk from Wren
  • Website: sweny.ie